Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trungpa Rinpoche: 'NOW' - Verbal Intro to Zeitgeist

Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche: Verbal Introduction to Zeitgeist, Final Edition

"Spirituality is a particular term which actually means dealing with intuition. In the theistic tradition there is a certain notion of clinging into a word. A certain act is regarded as displeasing to divine principles. A certain act is regarded as pleasing for the divine... whatever. In the tradition of non-theism, however, it is very direct that the case histories are not particularly important. What is important is here and now. Now is definitely now. We try to experience what is available there, on the spot. There is no point in thinking that a past did exist that we could have now. This is now, this very moment, nothing mystical, just now, very simple, straight forward. And from that nowness, however, arises a sense of intelligence, always, that you are constantly interacting with the reality one by one, spot by spot, constantly. We actually experience fantastic precision always. But we are threatened by the now so we jump to the past or the future. Paying attention to the materials that exist in our life, such rich life that we lead, all these choices take place all the time, but none of them are regarded as bad or good, per se, everything that we experience are unconditional experience. They don't come along with a label by saying that this is regarded as bad, this is good, but we experience them but we don't really pay heed to them properly, we don't actually regard that we are going somewhere, regard that it is a hassle, waiting to be dead.

That's the problem. That is not trusting the nowness properly but what is actually experienced now possesses a lot of powerful things. It is so powerful that we can't face it. Therefore we have to borrow from the past, invite future, all the time.

Maybe that's why we seek religion, maybe that's why we march in the street, maybe that's why we complain to society, maybe that's why we vote for the presidents. It's quite ironical, and very funny indeed..."

There are 2 kinds of people, those who think there are 2 kinds of people, and those who know there is only One.

Them Inc.: If you don't know who They are, you're not one of us.
Irony: The capacity to hold two conflicting ideas in mind without buying into either.
Paradox: Irony on steroids.

source: http://www.free-conversant.com/realtruth/index

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